Thursday, February 22, 2007

"But during the night she escaped and tried to walk into oncoming traffic," said the source.

Ah, well. So choosing Wilferd Brimley over Brit might have been a bad idea afterall.

The above quote is from the UK's Daily Mirror. Apparently, Brit is pretty worried that Mr. Federline wants custody of the two boys she's been diligently raising since they divorced. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time she wasn't with those boys, caring for them and staying out of the spotlight altogether.

This will end badly, y'all. See, and I almost typed "baldly" because, well, she, you know, and saying baldly would have been a funny joke and then, well, get it? Because she's, you know, bald and stuff. ANYWAY...

Hey! Speaking of nutso, what's up with the dream last night about climbing a ladder to listen to the National Anthem, and what's up with the dream last night about Gram absolutely killing during an open mic stand-up set?

Man. I slept badly. See, and I almost wrote -- well, nevermind.


Old Man Snap said...

Hey, not for nothin', but boy does the Ol' Man feel skinny today. Really skinny. Like, emaciated even.*

*inside joke. Laugh accordingly.

Anonymous said...

See here, old fella. The name's Wilford with an o, not an e. And while I have your attention, let me tell you somethin' about the diabeetus.