Thursday, February 15, 2007

Again with the top internet searches

From the optonline: 1. I'm Sorry Flowers

So yeah, yesterday was not only an ice rink, but it was that day that even couples really don't like. Really. They don't like it. If they say they do, they're *lying*.

Best VD anecdote from over ther week, other than saps searching for sorry flowers?

Scene: 12 people sit around the lunchroom last Thursday.

Secretary: Wow. Today's Valentine's Day. I totally forgot.

All: Um, no, it's not.

Secretary: That's right. It's next Thursday.



Old Man Snap said...

So the Ol' Man does track what his coworkers do, mainly because it makes him feel better about himself.

Over the last month, one of his coworkers has missed work for the following reasons:

1. Legs aren't working right. Has to get them moving.

2. Car wouldn't start.

3. Dentist appointment, scheduled day after a three-day weekend.

4. Funeral.

5. Sinus headache, the Friday before a three-day weekend.

This, since last Wednesday. And some of you wonder why OMS can be an angry, bitter curmudgeon.

Old Man Snap said...

Meanwhile, back to concrete evidence that the world is ending (and why the Ol' Man loves him some Grey's Writers):

is meredith dead for sure?? i just can't believe that you guys would kill her off. i mean i know that meredith/george was a big surprise, but at least they were both still on the show! the previews make it seem like shes going to die for sure which doesn't seem very greys anatomy-like. pleeease dont kill her!
and derek was so dreamy this episode...sigh.

Posted by: Nadine | February 16, 2007 at 09:12 AM