Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Meanwhile, back in line at the Post Office

So we're 20-deep in line at the post office yesterday, rolling our eyes and sighing as appropriate. Then the old lady walks up behind us. Mind you, we're standing in the lobby outside of the door to the actual Post Office part of the Post Office.

"Do you think the people behind the counter speak English?" she said, loudly. "I mean, I agree with the man in Philadelphia who put up that sign, don't you?"

We turned around to find a li'l old lady who looked like Mr. Magoo in a rain slicker. We half-expected her to say she's proud we "bombed the Japs."

We looked her up and down, didn't say a word, and resumed sighing, passive-aggressive blogger we are.

Speaking of, don't even get us started on the guy in line with the cell phone ring.


And repeat. Don't answer. Just repeat five or so times.


1 comment:

Old Man Snap said...

Now, then. In other news that really matters:

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) --Joseph Ungaro, a former managing editor of The Providence Evening Bulletin whose question to President Nixon at an editors meeting elicited his "I'm not a crook" reply, has died. He was 76.


We know Mr. Ungaro's son; Mr. Ungaro used to clip newspaper articles that we, or our more talented friends, wrote, underlining ledes he liked and other parts of the stories he thought were well done.

His son Joe is a fair, calm, and dedicated man, and we have a feeling he is very similar to his father.

We respect both men immensely, and we pray for the Ungaro family during this difficult time.