Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ew. Do boys really talk like this?

Overheard at one of our favorite watering holes last night. And by "overheard" we mean even though they were right next to us, we probably could've heard their drunk shout-talk from across the bar.

(Huh. "And musical guest... Drunk Shout-Talk!").

Guy 1: Yeah, man. She had some of those flapjack t*tties on her. Like she would lie down and they'd just disappear.

Guy 2: What. She needs like a foundation or some sh*t to hold them up and keep them in place where they belong. Like bricks or some sh*t. Like some sturdy bricks, you know? A foundation...

G1: All I know is they have some miraculous bras out there.

G2: Yup.

Um. Yeah. T*tties?

1 comment:

Old Man Snap said...

And again with things that matter:

"I think part of the movie shows the absurdity of holding any form of racial prejudice, whether it's hatred of African-Americans or of Jews," said Baron Cohen, a devout Jew who keeps Kosher and observes the Sabbath when he can.