Monday, November 20, 2006


So we're off on vacation. What? You think we've been slacking off around here? Now wait, you. We've been bringing the funny for more than a year now. Did we tell you about the time we put the milk in the cupboard? Again?

HAH! Now gets-a-laughin'.

Anyway, we're off to parts unknown near a beach for the Thanksgiving holiday, and we're following that up with the annual (we thought it was every two years but oops were we ever mistaken) hunting trip with the old man's ol' man. This time, we might even leave the rifle in the car and just arm ourselves with a banana or crackers or some sh*t.

So yeah, vacation, and then we'll be back with tales of how we probably blasted our Godson with a geetar shot, Honky Tonk Man-style.

In the meantime, more signs the world is ending.

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