Monday, July 10, 2006

We'll take "Still Don't Know What You Want to Do for the Rest of Your Life?" for $500, Alex.

PISCES: From the moment you wake up to the last minutes of your day, you'll be filled with a strong energy that encourages you to act. This may not be a literal physical energy (you may still get those afternoon-nap urges), but it will be potent. Don't be surprised if your thinking is lightening quick, and you're the first one to supply the answers that everyone's searching for. Trivia games could be your forte, so see if you can get a game going with friends. You'll clean their clocks.

We *so* can't wait for our afternoon nap. Wait. We can't nap because we'll be too busy, you know, working. Sh*t. How can we work around this? There's got to be a way.

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