Thursday, July 06, 2006

File this under we quit

Seriously? How is this even remotely a good idea? Is it *that* hard to teach and learn and maintain basic societal standards? Mr. Smith, our grammar-laden Latin teacher, is rolling over in his grave right now, and this is the type of sh*t that makes us want to join him.

(We know. Asterisks as part of words is not proper spelling and therefore we are somewhat hypocritical. But we can spell hypocritical, b*tches, so ease up off us).

And boy oh boy do we ever want to drop-kick the reporter who wrote this: Americans doen't aulwaez go for whut's eezy — witnes th faeluer of th metric sistem to cach on. But propoenents of simpler speling noet that a smatering of aulterd spelingz hav maed th leep into evrydae ues.

We quit. Not even a move to Canadia will help us now.

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