Monday, July 31, 2006

Technical Difficulties

We had planned on posting the nice li'l mugshot of everyone's favorite Hollywood star arrested over the weekend for being, among other things, a douchebag, but the photos won't upload.

So on that goes to the list of, well, the rest of things that didn't work today, like the dryer that wouldn't dry our clothes tonight, and the post office that has only one stamp machine, which, of course, is broken so one has to go stand in line with 27 other people *before* the lunchtime crowd, the myspace being down, again, and the perpetual squeeling sound our stereo has been making lately.

OK. We'll take responsibility for the stereo. But the photo uploading and the post office broken stamp machining and the page can't load myspacing? Sh*t. We're breathing deeply, don't worry.

At least there's this. It's about f*cking time.

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