Wednesday, May 14, 2008


"I think playing golf during golf during a time of war sends the wrong signal."

Um. So does stuffing a sock in your pants and declaring "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" like 14 years ago, no? Christ with this guy.

Meanwhile, Hillary's the choice for West Virginians! Why is West Virginia a state? And what's with the peach blazer? Ew. Totally out of style, this chick.

"The White House is won in the swing states," she says.

That sound? Yes. Vomit. In our mouth.

But kids! There's hope!

Note this tidbit from the AP story: "Obama picked up about 30 superdelegates in the last week, altogether a bigger prize than West Virginia offered either candidate in the lopsided primary."

See? Superdelegates! Hillary! Gets-a-steppin'!