Thursday, May 29, 2008

Damn you, Scarlett.

See? We were soooo over you after the whole senseless Ryan Reynolds engagement thing. We thought you'd wait for us. Seriously. We sing. We play geetar. We have that whole confident yet wicked shy thing going on. We have, dare we say, *swagger*.

So we were soooo over you. We even joined the, which we are now obsessed with for no reason other than it's fun to see Communism at its worst, to prove that we are sooooo over you.

And then the Egotastic! posts pictures of you naked in a pool.

And we're back to drinking and blogging and crying and listening to Rhianna radio on the Pandorae. And thinking of you.


1 comment:

Matt Katz said...

wait where are the nudey pics