Tuesday, December 04, 2007

There's got to be a plausible explanation

So in our dream, we're on stage.

(Surprised? Huh. Didn't think so).

But hah! We're not us. We're actually standing in for Boy George. See, he couldn't make the gig, so Old Man Snap donned the Boy George garb and, yes, opened his set with "I'll Tumble for Ya."

OMS then convinced the stage manager and producer to let him play an original song on the geetar as a "new Boy George single." Since the only Boy George music they had was "I'll Tumble for Ya," OMS also asked the sound guy to go to the local record shop to get Culture Club's Greatest Hits CD and then he rounded up the kids in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles outfits to perform an extended number about pizza.

Sound guy came back with the CD just as the pizza bit ended and, voila, Old Boy George continued with his brilliant impression. With a standing O and calls for an encore, even.

Never fear, readers. We shall analyze herein henceforth to wit:

1. We busted out our Cartman voice last night on the phone with the baby sis.
2. We were thinking about The Rock yesterday, and how he really was a nobody and then he turned the volume up, became The Rock, and then became a movie star.
3. We love our local record store.
4. We do like to play originals on the stage.
5. We have no f*cking clue why with the Boy George. None.
6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? WTF, indeed.

So to recap, the equation is thus as best we can decipher:

(Impressions) + (Volume on 11) + (Records) + (Audience Adoration) = Um, Boy George


1 comment:

Old Man Snap said...

So we just heard Mayer is dating pretty Lyla Garrity.

Well f*ck us in the goat ass.