Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Have a holly, jolly Christ-- HOLD UP.

So Rudolph is all hey I'm cute uh oh my nose is kaflooey and Donner is all how the f*ck did this happen, Mrs. Donner, and how the f*ck you been wit bitch and Mrs. Donner is all dunno and Donner is all this can't be and here, put some black on that and people will accept you more and Rudolph is all aiiight let's go do this jump thing and but my node sound like ith duffy and the cute li'l Bambi chick is all hey now that's a fine black nose you have there and good ol' Rudy is all YAAAAYYYYEEEE WATCH ME GET MY JUMP ON and then oh with the coal coming off the nose exposing him for the fraud that he is and oh with Bambi's dad with the whole you can't date that kind thing and Rudolph with the screw you guys I'm goin' home.

But Rudolph can't go home because Donner is a one pissed off raindeer so Rudy is all I'm out hey who's this twinky lookin' fella and the twinky li'l fella is all I'm Hermie I want to be a dentist and Rudy is all hey you sure you don't have the gay and Hermie is all no, why would you say that? and then with the abominable snowman and Yukon Cornelius and blah blah blah land of misfits blah blah blah Hermie's so gay blah blah blah the racial undertones are striking blah blah blah.

And then Rudy with the whole save Christmas thing.

The End.


Old Man Snap said...

Sugar. We forgot the best part.

"You stay here," Donner said. "This is man's work."

So they basically cover race, sexual orientation and a woman's place all while pointing out that every one is a misfit, really, especially around the holidays.

Two thumbs up!

Anonymous said...

Goddamn you're the funniest person I know.