Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Do you like beavers in America?"

Why, yes. Yes we do.

So we're back. When we figure out what f*cking day it is, we'll bring the funny. In the meantime, thanks to MK for holding down the fort and a little bit maybe making fun of us. A little bit. Maybe.

But oh do we have stories. About rolls for Bon Jovi and a 1970s cover band ("Diese nexta songe ist BAT MOON A-RISING JA!") and a plane pretending its touchdown dance should equal King Kong Bundy splashing Hulk Hogan.

And to the guy from Oregon at the airport bar who talked incessantly about consolidation in the workplace and how it's strangled production in key areas of marketability: we don't think the guy from Birming'm just drinking his tea tallyho really gave a pig's pence about your corporate conundrums.

But you were a nice fella who saw U2 in San Francisco for the Under a Blood Red Sky tour, so ya got that goin' for ya.

Currently listening to: The Band's Atlantic City cover, which never gets old. Ever.


ACG said...

welcome back.

Old Man Snap said...

Danke. Wie geht ist du?

ACG said...

translation please.